Monthly Archives: July 2009

Psssst! Hey buddy! If I pay you $79 BILLION will you support anthropogenic climate change?

I’ll swear that you are the Queen of England for that much money! I’ll carry Al Gore around on my back for a year for half that amount!  I’ll give up my scientific mindset and sell myself as a whore for a quarter of that amount!   But that is the amount of money that the government has spent on policies related to climate change.  Continue reading

Delphi pensions to be assumed by you and me

We win, taxpayers lose. Sorry suckas

We win, taxpayers lose. Sorry suckas

UAW runs another company into bankruptcy with shitty work and exhorbitant benefits.  U.S. Taxpayers to be saddled with paying those fat-asses’ exhorbitant retirement benefits. And many of them are in their 50s and took early retirement. While you and I slave away with no retirement plan except our own savings, The Obambi Administration pays off more debt to his supporters. With your and my money. 

From The Detroit News:  “It’s huge, especially up in my district where a lot of retirees live,” Stupak said. “You can see what the corporations are doing: declaring bankruptcy, going to court and dumping it on the taxpayers, which I think is really immoral. Corporations used to take care of their workers; now they don’t anymore.”

From The NY Times: “Delphi filed for bankruptcy in 2005 under the leadership of Robert S. Miller, who said one of his highest priorities would be to curb the company’s “uncompetitive labor cost structure.” 

[Note to dumbasses: “uncompetitive labor cost structure” is a polite way of saying those union workers were paid more than they were worth, and the company was losing business to overseas or non-unionized businesses.  Now those American businesses which were competetive will have to pay taxes to bail these bastards out. And that’s a fact, Jack.]

Who is the racist?

You talkin to me? Are YOU talkin to ME?!

You talkin to me? Are YOU talkin to ME?!

                                                                                                                                                      One of my next door neighbors (originally from India) yesterday asked me to look out for his  house while he is expected to be gone for vacation.  He said words to the effect that if I see anybody there during the next X days to call the police. 

Now, if I came home from vacation and lost my key and tried to break in to my own home, I would gladly accept the fact that if someone saw me doing it that they would call the police to report suspicious activity.  If the police came to my door, I would not be “offended.” I would thank them, and calmly explain that I lost my key, broke into my own home, and willingly show them my ID.  Hell, I’d offer them a cup of coffee.

What I would not do is start screaming racism.  Course, I don’t have a chip on my shoulder, and I don’t think I’m an elitist from Harvard who is above being polite to the police.  I’m glad that black SOB got arrested. About 99% of cops (I would venture to guess) would have arrested his ass, be they white, black or green.  I also think the prosecutor was correct to dismiss the charges. I’m only sorry that he will be emboldened by the affair, and think even more highly of himself.  He is the racist, not to mention a stupid P.O.S.  He violated one of John Doe’s maxims: “Don’t piss off any guy who is packing heat.”  And Obama, what a moron. Stay the hell out of it you ignorant thug.

How womens’ bathing suits have changed over the years…

And a little Rule 5 action towards the end, for those who persevere through the early years…  😉

City Ordinance: No less than 6" from the knee

City Ordinance: No less than 6" from the knee

This is a photograph of a beach scene in 1922. City officials decleared that bathing suits must be no more than six inches above the knee. The city official in the photograph was responsible for enforcing the ordinance.” Continue reading

Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma’am! Obama’s “change you can believe in!”

Bend Over, Here It Comes!

Bend Over, Here It Comes!

We’re on a mission from God, Ma’am! No time to read the Bill. No time to let legislators read the Bill!  For Gawd’s sake, don’t publish it on-line and let the masses read the damn thing! This is too important to put all of the legislation in during the light of day! Stick some of it in last minute after everybody is asleep!  Punch it through, before the chattering masses discover what is really in it! Worked for Bush II during the banks bailout!  It worked in the House for the Crap and Trade! Gotta do it again with the Socialized Medicine Bill! Ram it through! If this was something that had broad political support for our proposed legislation, we wouldn’t be in such a hurry! The more people learn of our shennanigans, the less support we have! So gotta hurry!  We’ll give you the details later! HURRY!

Or, as Bubba Clinton says, “better put some ice on that. It’s gonna hurt!”

NFL should allow Michael Vick to play football

He has served his jail sentence. He has forfeited over $70 million dollars of his salary. He lost his  house, he was forced into bankruptcy. Screw PETA.  He killed a lot fewer animals than Peta did in Virginia during the same time period. 

PETA’s euthanasia program,  kills an average of 5.8 pets every day at its Norfolk, VA headquarters.  According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes. Since 1998, a total of 21,339 dogs and cats have died at the hands of PETA workers.  Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter.” ” 

Besides, nobody at PETA can run like Michael.

CIA Director Panetta informed Congress of a secret program to capture Osama bin Laden

Save me Obiwan-Obama!

Save me Obiwan-Obama!

The New York Times has the details.  The money portion of the article: “…after being informed by Mr. Panetta about this program that was left-over from the Bush Administration years, Speaker of the House Pelosi demanded that a committee be formed to investigate whether laws were broken. Supposedly, even the F.B.I. was in on the program!  “This is something that President Bush and his cronies should have told me about. And this is such a large program, that I certainly would remember if I was informed about it.  And who authorized it?”  President Obama immediately cancelled the program that supposedly placed a bounty of $25 million dollars on the head of Osama bin Laden.  Some inside sources put the figure as high as $50 million. “It’s not America. It’s not what we do!” President Obama said. “Why would the Bush Administration put a bounty on a private citizen? ‘Wanted, Dead or Alive’?  It reminds us that President Bush thought he was a cowboy.   Mr. bin Laden has constitutional rights, too! He has not had a trial, let alone been sentenced to death. It is a barbaric program, and it is un-American!”

Cheney fishes while Washington burns

Cheney fishes while Washington burns

“Former Vice President Cheney was unavailable for comment.  Allegedly, he was fly-fishing for trout in Montana and could not be located.  Some bloggers, however, believe that that is not all he is doing while supposedly fishing.  President Bush, in keeping with his formerly announced position, refused to comment on any actions that President Obama takes, lest  his words be taken as criticism.”

The NY Times reporter who broke this story has been awarded the coveted “National Press Club Prize” for his diligent article.

Doug Mataconis: Dumbass Dougie finally has a good idea! Offer a reward for Obama’s birth certificate!

“Doh! I wissssshhh I was a real lawyer, not just a dumbass

A brain is a terrible thing to lack

A brain is a terrible thing to lack

collection attorney! Doh! I think I’ll diss that Major’s attorney, Orly Taitz. Doh! She’s a real attorney. I’m jealous of her! Obama says he was born in Hawaii, so I believe him. He wouldn’t lie, just to remain President! I believe OJ is innocent, too! Why would he lie? Sure, Obama won’t release his long-form birth certificate! Must be some good reason. Maybe he can’t find it?  I know, President Obama should offer a reward, like OJ did to find the REAL killer!  Reward for the real OJ, er I mean Obama, birth certificate!  I’M A FREAKIN’ LEGAL GENIUS! Doh!

Bizarre life form found in North Carolina sewer

And no, this isn’t a picture of John Edwards with a whore.  It is real.

A quick google search uncovered at least one blog site that knows WTF this creature is! theblogathowstuffworks. Personally, I think they are wrong. This is definitely how liberals appear when not in public and without their makeup. Slimey and spineless and afraid of the light.

Teddy Kennedy’s “True Compass” Limited Edition on sale now at Smash Mouth!

Be the first liberal on the block to appear to have forked over $1,000.00 for this sure to be a best-seller from the ‘Lion of the Senate!’  Get yours here for only $919.96!  For a limited time only! Submit your credit card name, type and number and $100.00 S & H charges and wait only six to eight weeks. I’ll get back to you!

Below are some highlights of the book! (Allegedly, it is mostly pictures because liberals are pretty shallow!  Heck, even Teddy drowned Mary Jo in just a shallow tidal pool!)

CHAPTER ONE: HOW I GOT MINE!  I got mine when Daddy was a bootlegger! The first thing he taught me, was put your money in a trust and live off the tax-free interest. Then, when you raise other peoples’ taxes, it won’t affect you!   

Neat knickers, huh? I haven't put in an honest day's work from the day this photo was taken until today!

Neat knickers, huh? I haven't put in an honest day's work from the day this photo was taken until today!












Photos too graphic to show on this R rated blog!

Photos too graphic to show on this R rated blog!
