Daily Archives: July 17, 2009

NFL should allow Michael Vick to play football

He has served his jail sentence. He has forfeited over $70 million dollars of his salary. He lost his  house, he was forced into bankruptcy. Screw PETA.  He killed a lot fewer animals than Peta did in Virginia during the same time period. 

PETA’s euthanasia program,  kills an average of 5.8 pets every day at its Norfolk, VA headquarters.  According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes. Since 1998, a total of 21,339 dogs and cats have died at the hands of PETA workers.  Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter.” ” 

Besides, nobody at PETA can run like Michael.

CIA Director Panetta informed Congress of a secret program to capture Osama bin Laden

Save me Obiwan-Obama!

Save me Obiwan-Obama!

The New York Times has the details.  The money portion of the article: “…after being informed by Mr. Panetta about this program that was left-over from the Bush Administration years, Speaker of the House Pelosi demanded that a committee be formed to investigate whether laws were broken. Supposedly, even the F.B.I. was in on the program!  “This is something that President Bush and his cronies should have told me about. And this is such a large program, that I certainly would remember if I was informed about it.  And who authorized it?”  President Obama immediately cancelled the program that supposedly placed a bounty of $25 million dollars on the head of Osama bin Laden.  Some inside sources put the figure as high as $50 million. “It’s not America. It’s not what we do!” President Obama said. “Why would the Bush Administration put a bounty on a private citizen? ‘Wanted, Dead or Alive’?  It reminds us that President Bush thought he was a cowboy.   Mr. bin Laden has constitutional rights, too! He has not had a trial, let alone been sentenced to death. It is a barbaric program, and it is un-American!”

Cheney fishes while Washington burns

Cheney fishes while Washington burns

“Former Vice President Cheney was unavailable for comment.  Allegedly, he was fly-fishing for trout in Montana and could not be located.  Some bloggers, however, believe that that is not all he is doing while supposedly fishing.  President Bush, in keeping with his formerly announced position, refused to comment on any actions that President Obama takes, lest  his words be taken as criticism.”

The NY Times reporter who broke this story has been awarded the coveted “National Press Club Prize” for his diligent article.

Doug Mataconis: Dumbass Dougie finally has a good idea! Offer a reward for Obama’s birth certificate!

“Doh! I wissssshhh I was a real lawyer, not just a dumbass

A brain is a terrible thing to lack

A brain is a terrible thing to lack

collection attorney! Doh! I think I’ll diss that Major’s attorney, Orly Taitz. Doh! She’s a real attorney. I’m jealous of her! Obama says he was born in Hawaii, so I believe him. He wouldn’t lie, just to remain President! I believe OJ is innocent, too! Why would he lie? Sure, Obama won’t release his long-form birth certificate! Must be some good reason. Maybe he can’t find it?  I know, President Obama should offer a reward, like OJ did to find the REAL killer!  Reward for the real OJ, er I mean Obama, birth certificate!  I’M A FREAKIN’ LEGAL GENIUS! Doh!