First Posts

Right now, I don’t feel like writing on politics.  It’ll still be there tomorrow.

Blog readers normally read the latest post on a blog they’ve bookmarked, or the one linked by a blog they’re reading now.  Only a few (yeah, the present author is guilty) have the Audacity of Hope to delve into the archives of Blog World.  Just for fun,  we here present the very first post of a few favorite blogs and see what the authors did at that very moment a baby was born, so to speak.  It is interesting to compare that to what they have now become:

Instapundit, –8/8/01: Well, it looks like the Department of Justice is finally going after the music industry for antitrust violations. Expect more of this kind of thing in the future, and not just with regard to themusic sector, but with regard to all entertainment industries…

Ace of Spades (via his old Blogger), 12/30/03 – First Post.

Okay, lots of people do that, here’s Ace’s second post, that same day – Just a little Poe-parody we here at Ace of Spades HQ wrote: Be aware, the poem contains flagrant potty-mouth.

The Donkey

Once upon a midnight gloaming, my mouth agape and whitely foaming,
my frantic mind e’er roaming, roaming o’er outrages of liberal lore,
I gave my dork a playful slapping, setting my balls slowly flapping, but suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`’Tis some visitor,’ I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door –
Only this, and nothing more.’

THAT’s more like it!

The Camp of the Saints, (after a few “tests”… five months later…), 12/08/09  – AH..MARRIAGE: Mrs. Other McCain is a softy compared to Mrs. Belvedere [half-Sicilian / half-Irish Catholic].  If I were to do a Woods, Mrs. B. would not kill me.  Nope, not a chance in Hell for that kind of mercy.  She would kill my family, my cats, my friends, my co-workers [not so bad], my mailman, my accountant, my blogger friends, any conservatives I like, and on and on until she was satisfied.  My death, at that point, would be a blessing.  So count your lucky stars McCain: Mrs. Other McCain would let you off easy.

IMAO (Frank J), 03/09/33 (yes, that’s right) – The New Deal is a Raw Deal: This “New Deal” is a horrible idea. We’re going to become some big, bloated socialist government because of it. This makes me so mad, I want to push FDR’s wheelchair down a flight of stairs — not with him in it, but him watching so he can see his favorite wheelchair get all smashed up and know exactly what I feel about him and his “New Deal.” We shouldn’t stand for pinko crap like this.

BTW, did you see that new movie King Kong? That gorilla is craaaazy!

Smash Mouth Politics, 10/27/08 – (Not sure if this is really the first, but it’s the oldest on this site) Hello World, John doe Congratulates Himself on His 3 Month anniversary by Republishing His Original Post : This is my very first post. Thanks, Megan, if you had not turned out to be just another gutless coward  person who is sensitive to liberal pressure, I would never have started my own blog. Mason posted a comment about how he believes I alternate between blogging and autofellating. When I entitled my next post by including what he said about me, suddenly I became the bad guy. Oh, did I not mention that Mason runs a blogator that she desperately wants to remain a part of? So she “apologizes” for my posts. How sweet. I merely repeat what he said about me, but then she feels the need to apologize for my posts. Course, that keeps her in the good graces of those other gutless cowards, Finnegan and Mason. Whatever.

So, JD, would you mind giving us the backstory on that one?


There have been many fine photos in the history of SMP. This is a personal fave.

10 responses to “First Posts

  1. I cut my teeth blogging with Megan at

    Basically, she tried to have a bunch of liberals and conservatives carry on civil conversations, but I did not lay down and play dead when the liberals (predictably) attacked conservatives. She is a decent person, but proved gutless in standing up to them when they attacked me. She censored me instead of treating all equally. I bitched about it, and she said if I didn’t like her rules, I could start my own blog. So I did, and it was the best move blogging wise that I ever made. She petered out and is no longer blogging…

  2. It’s what known as…
    Almost…the End of the Internet…

  3. Good choice, NV. I’ll send out a holiday turkey to the first one who can guess where I found that beauty. Or a Cold Turkey. Your choice…No forensic crap, just guess…

  4. JD–without some internet forensics I wouldn’t have the faintest idea because if I had ever seen that keister before I would never forget it! The setting is interesting but I don’t recognize the stream or the buildings.

    Please let us know where you found this so we can peruse any other pictures there.


  5. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say…you’re a lucky man JD. 😉

  6. With all deciduous trees and no palms or yuccas…that could be a Virginia, beach…

    Definitely not the desert…
    Way… too much drinkin’ water for those that are gonna go thirsty…!

  7. Gramps | November 22, 2010 at 9:33 pm | Reply
    Rate This
    Quantcast ?

    What the hell happened to my “avatar’…?
    Gramps sends all the very, very best regards…!

  8. That was what my wife looked like before I knocked her up a couple of times. But no, that ain’t her. Found it at…

  9. Pingback: Hello Friends–Link Fest 9000(A) | Smash Mouth Politics

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