Daily Archives: February 9, 2010

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition

Ultimate proof that Rule 5 works even for magazines. Also, we probably over-do Rule 5 around Smash Mouth.  Discretion has never been a virtue that we possessed.  But only doing a Rule 5 post once per year? Don’t think we could manage that. 

Everybody remembers certain covers to the swimsuit edition.  I went back and looked in the SI vault to see when was the first cover that I could definitely remember.  It was before many of my readers were born–1975.   Below is one from 1984–remember? Continue reading

Rush Limbaugh speaks, House Republicans listen

Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh said that the Republicans should refuse to meet with Obama at his proposed Health Care Summit.  Obama lost, the Republicans won, why bail him out with a sound bite opportunity?  And at the very least, Republicans should force Obama to admit defeat by scrapping the plans that were rejected by a majority of Americans and starting from scratch.  Later the same day–the same day–that Rush gave that advice, top Republicans wrote a letter claiming reluctance to attend if the old plans are not scrapped.  Reps. Boehner and Cantor wrote to chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (The Washington Post):  

“‘If the starting point for this meeting is the job-killing bills the American people have already soundly rejected, Republicans would rightly be reluctant to participate,’ Boehner and Cantor wrote.”….  ” ‘Bipartisanship’ is not writing proposals of your own behind closed doors, then unveiling them and demanding Republican support,” Boehner and Cantor wrote. “Bipartisan ends require bipartisan means.”

Sure, it’s wimpy and timid and does not go far enough. But it’s a start. Fight, boys, fight!  

For his part, President Obama gave little indication that he “might abandon the months of work that produced Democratic bills that passed the House and the Senate late last year.”   Oooooh! All that “months of work” to produce bills that were soundly rejected by the American public.   That’s like a surgeon saying that he should keep going because he’s already started amputating the wrong leg.  Brilliant, Democrats.

Who has jurisdiction over Murtha’s slander suit now?

A Federal Appeals Court ruled that Murtha was immune from being  sued for defaming Marines regarding the death of Iraqi civilians in Haditha in November 2005.  Yes, Federal Judges oft times believe that they are God, but this is one blog which hopes that God doesn’t defer to Federal Judges.  God forgives, but Smash Mouth doesn’t forget.

Murtha was a walking, talking Exhibit A of why we need term limits on elected officials.  Now the election to fill his vacated seat will be Exhibit A B C D of how the American public is fed up with one party rule by Democrats. We hereby invite many other Democrat rulers to go join Murtha, where ever he is.

Reid, Pelosi, Byrd, anybody?

NYT Op-Ed morphs into Rule 5 Tuesday

Who knew? Ross Douthat’s mugshot was staring back at me as I read his opinion piece on how naive “idealistic” Obama is to envisision the world without nukes.  His pic reminded me of that little weasil Robert the Bruce in “Braveheart.” And of course I then thought about the pretty ladies in Braveheart, and voila’, it suddenly turned it into a Rule 5 Tuesday! Hey, it was 5:00 am and I couldn’t sleep. Mildly NSFW.

Ross Douthatt as Blind Pig who got one right

Angus Macfadyen as Robt the Bruce

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