Daily Archives: February 12, 2010

Massachusetts has a proposed bill to ban circumcision

The proposed bill.  Boys and girls, until they are 18 so that they can decide for themselves.  I’m torn.  I see no problem with parents making the decision to have their male children circumcized, but I have a HUGE problem with the Muslim custom of female circumcision.  I don’t doubt that the legislator means well, protecting children from harm.  The problem is finding a principled reason to support a parent’s right to circumcise their sons but not their daughters.  Here is my best shot.

The female version (at least if it includes a clitorectomy–see my previous post) is irreversible.  I’m pretty sure with today’s modern marvels of plastic surgery they can undo a male’s circumcision.  Plus, male surgeries are performed when they are days old, the middle eastern and African version for girls is performed when they are adolescents. Also, at least some studies have shown a health benefit for male circumcision.  Those are all the principled reasons that come to mind why I support male and violently oppose female circumcision.  But I’m open to persuasion.  

p.s. Also, I don’t believe the bill goes far enough for those who perform clitorectomies on young ladys.  It punishes by up to 14 years imprisonment–I want such persons to get the Saddam Hussein knot. 

from here


This came from a link NSFW.

This seems to be a recurring theme here this week

Obama and bodily functions…

Remember, folks, it's "ART"

h/t here.

How Obama views the Constitution

From a Freeper… 

Continue reading

Senate Conservatives Fund

A message from Sen. Jim DeMint.

Dear Fellow Conservatives:

I am pleased to report that our first money bomb for a conservative U.S. Senate candidate was a huge success. We set out to raise $100,000 for Marco Rubio’s campaign in Florida and as of this morning we had raised over $140,000. You can see the current total here.

I want to thank each of you for being part of the Senate Conservatives Fund community and for doing your part to help us promote principled candidates like Marco Rubio.

Many of you contributed money to this effort while others helped spread the word. I’m grateful for your support and confident that it will help us win this critical U.S. Senate race.

I also want to share a few links with you in case you missed the news coverage yesterday on our efforts. Continue reading

Bloggers’ Block

Does anybody else go through phases where they can’t find anything worth blogging about? My blocks usually come about from approximately this line of thinking:  “Sheesh, anything worth saying can always be found elsewhere.  Anything worth saying has been said better elsewhere.  Why not just be a referrer such as Drudge and Instapundit?  Why  bother?”

Often those posts that I believe to be my best work, nobody notices, and those that I’ve cobbled together in moments without any thought or creativity become, to my embarrassment, big hits.

You just never know what will become a hit and what will flop, what will be consigned to the internet dustbin and what will create the next instalanche.  So I keep plodding.  Hey, better go check my statcounter. You never know!  Such is the life of an unpaid blogger.