Daily Archives: February 4, 2010

President Obama’s religion is getting elected and enacting the progressive agenda

It is instructive just to see the headlines of various news articles over the past few years.  Democrats, rightfully in my view, became known as the party that is hostile to religion.  Democrats will dispute that, but they no doubt sought to undo the perception.

When Kerry was losing to George W. Bush, “Closing the “religion gap'” and “Kerry seeks to close a perceived ‘God gap”

Afterwards, the Democrats finally acknowledged that they had a problem.  “Not God’s Party.”  Their solution?  Talk about religion more.  Don’t change their party platform that supports queers and abortion and bureaucracy, just mouth platitudes and quote the Bible. 

As Obama ran for president.  “Obama reaches out to religious voters.”  Oh, gee, look at the clean and articulate black man, with his pretty family as he goes to church.  Shucks, isn’t that swell? Just like the Cosby kids! 

Not everybody was that gullible. [Though Obama’s purpose was not to fool all the people, just enough to close the gap and get him elected.]  “Obama’s Religious Ruse: The Cult of the Marxist Messiah,” the author pointed out:   

“Barack Obama has identified himself with Christianity as a cloak for his political agenda. The founder of community organizing, Saul Alinsky, regarded churches as an ideal vehicle for advancing the Marxist cause. But to have credibility in organizing churches, young Obama needed to join a church.”
IT WORKED!  He got elected and had 70-80% popularity.

After the presidential election: “Obama results show gains in key religious voters.”  “How Obama lured millions of religious voters.”

After he was elected, he did not go to church for an entire year.  “Obama church attendance has fallen since election.”  “Obama tones down national day of prayer service” [by not even showing up.]  And his poll  numbers have plummeted.  Not because he did not attend church, but because he was ineffectual and because he was supporting radical ideas that are rejected by a majority of the people. 

But he does still have a “God gap.”  So recently, Obama has discovered religion again.  Today he went to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.  Coincidentally (wink wink), today the Washington Post ran a puff piece meant to blow smoke up the ass of “religious voters.”   

Obama’s spirituality is largely private, but it’s influential, advisers say

Yeah, right.  And I’ve got some ocean front property to sell you just west of Richmond, Virginia…

I have no idea if Obama is a Christian, or if he is, what his beliefs are.  All I’m saying is that this is pure political posturing.  He is putting on a show to curry favor with certain religious voters.  And I for one ain’t buying it.

Smash Mouth/Research Poll: What do self-identified “Progressives” believe?

1.  The original intent of the Founding Fathers is irrelevant in determining how to apply the U.S. Constitution to today’s problems. 

Agree: 89%   Disagree: 1%  Not Sure: 9%

2.  Science has proven that life evolved from non-life in the primordial ooze billions and billions of years ago. 

Agree:  79%  Disagree: 2%    Not Sure: 19%

3. Children born alive during a botched abortion should be killed/left to die in order to complete the mother’s wishes that the fetus be aborted. 

Agree: 82%  Disagree: 3%  Not Sure: 15%

4.  Blacks and Mexicans are inferior beings who should be encouraged to have abortions whenever possible. [Don’t worry–this is a totally blind opinion poll and your identity will never be revealed.] 

Agree:  97%   Disagree: 0%  Not Sure: 3%

5.  Big Business is evil and should be banned. 

Agree: 100%

6.  The military consists of baby-killers and poor kids too stupid to get jobs in the real world.

Agree:  89%  Disagree: 7%  Not Sure: 4%

7.  ACCORN was entrapped by that evil duo of James O’Keefe and that tramp with him.

Agree: 77%  Disagree: 9%  Who is James O’Keefe?  14%

8.  Openly gay teachers should be allowed to solicit sex from their high school students.

Agree: 65%  Disagree: 30%  Not Sure: 5% 

9.  George Bush stole both his presidential elections.

Agree: 95%  Disagree: 1%  Not Sure: 4%

10.  The First Amendment should protect the rights of free speech of only certain big corporations, such as The New York Times, MSNBC (G.E. owns 80% of NBC), Times, Newsweek, Washington Post, L.A. Times, etc. 

Agree: 8%  Disagree: 1%  Only Those Corporations that agree with Progressivism Should be allowed to Freedom of Speech:  81%

11.  Persons who have extra-normal sexual desires such as rapists, pedopheliacs, necropheliacs and gays can’t help themselves, they were just born that way.

Agree: 97 Disagree: 1%  Not Sure: 2% 

Legal Stuff:  [This poll was taken January 32- February 3, 2010.  Questions were asked  of 479 self-professed “progressives” and has a margin of error of +/- 4.3%.  Any views expressed in this poll are not the views held by the management team here at Smash Mouth.  The poll was conducted under the auspices of Wooster and Shucks, Ltd. of Birmingham, England.  No dirty stinking hippies were harmed in the making of this poll.]

President Obama rips Republicans for “obstruction”

Just so no to dopes

President Obama: When we had the numbers and we tried to rape you, you Republicans said “no.”  We tried to make you bend over and take it, but somehow  you fought us off.  Now that we don’t have the numbers to force it on you, you had better start agreeing so that we can make this consensual.  Now: Bend over and take it, please.