You MIGHT be a liberal…

You might be a liberal…if you support banning all guns, but oppose banning all Muslims from immigrating to America.

You might be a liberal…if you support laws protecting sea turtle eggs and eagle eggs, but oppose any restrictions on abortion.

You might be a liberal…if you are more afraid of “global warming” than you are of Muslim fanatics.

You might be a liberal…if you believe Obama is a “Christian” because he says he is, but you don’t believe Muslim fanatics are Muslim when they say they are.

You might be a liberal…if you believe that it is fine to force people to show their I.D. in order to drive or get on a plane, but that is raaaaacist to require an I.D. in order to vote.

You might be a liberal…if you oppose the death penalty, but support abortion on demand.

You might be a liberal…if you think the “Tea Party” is racist, but that the “Congressional Black Caucus” is not.

You might be a liberal…if you believe that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

You might be a liberal…if you voted for Barack Obama even a little bit because he was half black.

You might be a liberal…if you intend to vote for Hillary even a little bit because she has a vagina.

You might be a liberal…if you do not unequivocally condemn Obama’s weaponization of the IRS against “Tea Party” advocacy groups.

You might be a liberal…if you opposed Bush’s Iraq and Afghanistan wars, but supported Obama’s Libyan and Syrian wars.

You might be a liberal…if you think it strange that Cubans are literally dying to leave that Utopian communist country in order to get to ours.

But if you voted twice for Obama for President…you are just a fucking idiot.


2 responses to “You MIGHT be a liberal…

  1. You still checking the comments here John? Writing here was some of the Good Times.

  2. Hey neovic, I’m still here everyday. I use the links to go to sites I read often, especially DirectorBlue/Doug Ross. Good to hear from you.

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